Show Your Appreciation for Friends and Family this Thanksgiving

Show Your Appreciation for Friends and Family this Thanksgiving

During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the things you need to do, like getting the perfect gift, cleaning your house from top to bottom, and attending all those social events. In order to feel stress-free this Thanksgiving, though, it’s important that you remember to give yourself time to relax as well as everyone else you care about.

1) Express Gratitude by Sending Hugs in a Box

Send your friends and family virtual hugs in a box! It's one of those things that everyone loves, making it great to show your thanks for all they do during Thanksgiving.

How does it work? Just pick out five (or more) people you want to send hugs to, write up a quick note telling them what you appreciate about them using HuggyBox and send it out in the mail. That's it. They'll receive an anonymous box containing your thought felt message and virtual hug . When they open it up, hugs are literally jumping our of the box.. wouldn't that be nice?! Besides, who doesn't love getting something in the mail these days? And hugs are free with purchase! So go ahead and give someone some hugs by sending then a HuggyBox today.

2) Send Virtual Hugs Online

There are many ways to appreciate family and friends in your life. It’s a time where we spend valuable moments with our loved ones, which is why it’s often called family time. With that said, you don’t have to physically be there; we can still show that we care about people through technology. On top of sending physical cards, try out some of these great tools to send virtual hugs online. Some even give you discounts or free shipping if you purchase right away! You know what they say: The more people who love ya, the better. We all feel better knowing we aren’t alone on those days that seem tough as nails. Get ready to bring a smile to their face – no matter how far apart you may be – with one of these ideas below. Remember – it doesn’t cost anything extra other than a little bit of time and effort from your end. So let someone know they mean a lot by using one (or all) of these virtual hug options.




3) Give Physical Hugs

In a world of electronics, it’s easy to forget that people matter. Show your friends and family you care by giving them a physical hug. But not just any old hug, one of these hugs in a box! A hug in a box will have your loved ones thinking about you long after you’ve left their presence. Plus they’ll be able to show all their friends your thoughtfulness when they pull out their delicious virtual hug anytime they want. Now is a great time to send hugs to all those important people in your life. So what are you waiting for? Send that special someone a hug today. Remember always slow down in life and take the opportunity to look around and appreciate those around you!