Grandparent’s Love

There is just something special about the love of a grandparent.

It is one of those loves, you don’t really understand until you are living it. Seeing your children now raise beautiful children of their own is a little mind-blowing. It sends memories flooding back of your years changing diapers and bandaging skinned knees. But now it is your babies, taking care of their babies and they are so good at it. You can’t help but wonder when all this happened. It is like they grew up overnight.

There is just something special about the love of a grandparent.

The sleepless nights and toddler protests are over for you. You have proudly passed that on to your kids. The joy is overwhelming at every milestone: the first tooth, the first steps, potty training, the first day at school. They are your legacy and what an incredible legacy they will be! You get to celebrate in the victories and be the ultimate advisor when your kids call with questions about how on earth they are going to parent through this “phase”.

There is just something special about the love of a grandparent.

There is something uniquely different about looking at your grandkids and knowing that all the years of parenting their parents is now showcasing itself in those sweet little faces.  Not only have your children turned out to be good kids but they have begun the cycle of raising good kids. Isn’t that the ultimate prize in life?

There is just something special about the love of a grandparent.

Now you get to enjoy the grandparent perks. You are allowed to spoil and shower with gifts. You can enjoy the smile on their face when you get to say “yes”. There is no greater feeling than the excitement as they run to the driveway to greet you as you pull in for a visit because you know that they have been waiting for you all day.

There is just something special about the love of a grandparent.

Show your grandkids that your love is different. It is a special kind of love. Sure, you may not be there for the day to day events, but you are always there in spirit. You are always thinking about what they are doing. How they are doing in school. Everyday you think of them. Show them that you are just as excited to see them meet you in the driveway as they are.

Show them something special about your love.

A Huggybox can show them your love even on the days where they don’t get to see you. A Huggybox communicates that “special kind of love” that a grandparent has for their grandkid. It communicates that great big bear hug they receive from you in the driveway.

Show them there is something special about your love with a Huggybox.