Send a Virtual Hug with Positivity

How exciting is it that Valentine’s Day is almost upon us? My absolute favorite holiday of the year. It’s a day when you can focus on making those around you happy by sending them chocolates and hugs. A way to show those who are special in your life just how much you care about them.

What can be more exciting than that… I guess that is one of the reasons HuggyBox was invented, to bring smiles to all the faces that receive those heartfelt messages and virtual hugs! What can be easier than mailing a hug.

In sending these virtual hugs over the years and receiving such positive feedback from customers, I decided to take things to the next step with my brand. HuggyBox no longer stops with just heartfelt messages and virtual hugs, I now offer clothing with positive wording and sayings. My new Positivity Clothing Line is based around messages and feelings derived from the thousands of different messages I have written for customers sending virtual hugs to friends and loved ones in the form of a HuggyBox. What better way to expand my offerings than by providing additional items that will keep bringing smiles to faces. After all, I created HuggyBox to do just this.

You will find designs that will connect with all ages that are guaranteed to bring a smile just as heartfelt messages and virtual hugs have over the years. I spend a lot of time making the designs just right, those that know me understand I am a perfectionist:) I care about my customers and their experience with my products, as I want it to be positive and long-lasting. You can see my entire collection at . I hope you enjoy my designs as much as I enjoyed creating them. Let me now explain how I come up with them.

Every time I receive an order for a HuggyBox the first thing I do is look at the message they would like sent. It reminds me just how many good people are still in this world and the pure emotions that people show to those close to them. I enjoy writing every one of those messages, so please keep them coming and I will keep mailing a hug to those people in need of one! Your messages will also help inspire new clothing designs that I hope you love!

My journey thus far has been amazing, and I have you my customers to thank for that. You truly inspire me every day to keep moving forward to create new and exciting items that will make even the dullest day feel more upbeat and exciting. For that, I say thank you!!

If you have a special request for a clothing design that you know will bring smiles to others, I am all ears and would love to discuss it further. Let me know in the below comments. If I decide to use your idea to fuel one of my designs I will give you full credit and even name it after you. Ready set go….